The latest news from our team

Constantly learning, growing and adapting
Scrape All Your Linkedin Search Results With Just One Click!
To better serve you in reaching out and establishing connections with company employees, college alumni, and promising candidates, Linked Booster has developed a highly effective automation tool, which saves you tons of time.
Duke Vu8 min read
Guide to Develop Buyer Personas That Drives Sales ( Part 1)
A buyer persona is a person who represents the company’s ideal customer. Customers are the key factor to define your business and lead you to be a tremendous success. So how can we understand customer profiles?
Duke Vu6 min read
We Launched on Appsumo!
Today we are announcing good news a partnership with AppSumo to help small and medium-size businesses all over the world. This is your real opportunity to grab a yearly deal at $ 64.99
Duke Vu1 min read
Who’s the Next President of United States 2020?
Official: Donald Trump won the united states president in 2016 but no one knows who’s the president of the united states in 2020.
Duke Vu2 min read
Catch Linked Booster Black Friday Deals – Sale Upto 60%
Linked Booster is one of the best LinkedIn automation tools out there with features driving over 10,000 users crazy from Google, Harvey Nash, Texas Instrument
Duke Vu3 min read
How to Manage 1st-degree Connections on Linkedin
Therefore, the missing contacts and deals which do not manage well can cost you a thousand dollars in marketing, sales, and recruiting industry. That’s why we need all the help we can get when it comes to managing our vast contact network on LinkedIn.
Duke Vu2 min read
Linked Booster Dashboard Updates
We understand that reporting results are crucial for your work and it comes with your own set of challenges. Since version 9.2.0, Linked Booster allows users to export selected profiles from dashboard to CSV file.
Chloe Nguyen3 min read
A New Adventure With Template Manager – Why Every Linkedin Users Should Know About This Feature
The automated tool on Linkedin – Linked Booster launches a template manager – a feature that helps users create frequently used messages content quickly. Optimize the use of tools and save time.
Duke Vu4 min read
Câu Chuyện Sau Sự Sàng Lọc Của Covid 19
Câu nói “Tôi tư duy nên tôi tồn tại” của triết gia Descartes đang phần nào phản ánh đúng tinh thần của phần lớn những người thành công trong việc vượt qua khủng hoảng hiện tại.
Chloe Nguyen3 min read