Working Tips

Constantly learning, growing and adapting
#1 Linkedin Cold Message Templates With 60% Follow-up 2023
Your customers receive dozens of invitations on LinkedIn every day. How to make your invitation so simple and attractive that customers can not ignore it
Chloe Nguyen7 min read
Summary of the 10 most effective lead generation strategies on LinkedIn
You have a good product or service, and a good sales funnel (this step is essential). The next question is how to generate as many leads as possible each week to speed up your operations.
Chloe Nguyen10 min read
What is a good linkedin headline
LinkedIn is a social network that helps businesses and professionals connect with each other, share thoughts and ideas, build relationships, and even recruit talent. The first piece of information people see when they click on your profile is your profile name, image and headline
Chloe Nguyen6 min read
How to Use Linkedin to Promote Your Business
In reality, LinkedIn is undoubtedly the professional network to rely on when your aim is to develop your range of B2B contacts and potential customers.
Chloe Nguyen8 min read
Top Marketers’ Ultimate Secrets to Boost Sales
Short answer: Buyer persona and Retarget Marketing. Buyer persona and Retarget marketing have a symbiotic relationship. Marketers can utilize insights from remarketing campaigns to improve Buyer persona models
Duke Vu8 min read
Guide to Develop Buyer Personas That Drives Sales ( Part 1)
A buyer persona is a person who represents the company’s ideal customer. Customers are the key factor to define your business and lead you to be a tremendous success. So how can we understand customer profiles?
Duke Vu6 min read
Câu Chuyện Sau Sự Sàng Lọc Của Covid 19
Câu nói “Tôi tư duy nên tôi tồn tại” của triết gia Descartes đang phần nào phản ánh đúng tinh thần của phần lớn những người thành công trong việc vượt qua khủng hoảng hiện tại.
Chloe Nguyen3 min read
How to Successfully Work Remotely?
Many companies in the world like Google, Amazon, Tencent have asked employees and staff to work from home since the world recorded 338.947 cases for Corona virus.
Duke Vu3 min read