How to Boost Your Linkedin Account
3 min read
If you are using LinkedIn for business networking, it is very important your personal LinkedIn profile page is well organised and meaningful to your potential leads

If you are using LinkedIn for business networking, it is very important your personal LinkedIn profile page is well organised and meaningful to your potential leads. This is the place where you can showcase your products and services, and list achievements, successes and skills. With a professional looking profile, you will have more chances to connect with people you want to do business with.

Then, once your profile is polished and neat, you can start your LinkedIn visiting and messaging with LinkedBooster!

See below our suggestions how to make your LinkedIn account stand out from others:

  1. Background image – adding a background image completes your LinkedIn profile and adds a bit more character to it. It is advisable to add an image that represents your business (e.g. you can take it from your website or Facebook page)
  2. Profile photo – a professional looking photo will always add more credibility to the account.
  3. Tagline – this is one of the main things the lead will see before they connect with you and when they land on your LinkedIn page. The tagline should describe what is the outcome of your services. Do not underestimate the importance of a targeted and to the point tagline for effective lead gen.
  4. Summary – a brief summary is a must and here you can add some information about your personality, your work experience and proficiency and support this by adding a link to your blog or website.
  5. Full job descriptions and education – add a detailed description about your role in the company, responsibilities and add any relevant links. Make sure to add at least 2 past job positions and your education to build trust.
  6. Add video and photos – adding additional resources like photos from your webinars, links to your articles or photos from the events makes your profile stand out, gives more personality and looks stronger.
  7. Add recommendations – add at least one recommendation to your profile to add trust and credibility.

We hope you found this post useful and got some ideas to turn your LinkedIn profile into a powerful sales tool!

As now you are ready to kickstart your lead generation, it’s time to run LinkedBooster! If you haven’t signed up yet, we offer a variety of plans for every taste – from monthly to annual subscriptions, just click on the link below to learn more:

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