Linked Booster v12.0.1 is available now with new feature!
3 years ago
We are very happy to announce that v12.0.1 has been published to Chrome Web Store with a long-planned feature: 1st-Connection Synchronization & Management

Previously, Linked Booster focused on helping you to connect to as many people as possible:

  • Auto collect & Tags & Notes help you build your lead lists without making any contact yet
  • Auto-connect with a personalized message helps you to connect to a large number of targeted leads without thousand of clicks while maintaining a professional touch in your invitation message

Starting with this version, we shift our focus toward helping you to manage your connected people better, by releasing the 1st-Connection Synchronization & Management feature:

With this feature, you can:

  • Sync all 1st connections to the Linked Booster dashboard
  • Manage their attached Tags & Notes, same as in Profiles page
  • Bulk visit multiple profiles at once (to maintain your relationship score with them)
  • Filter your connections, which is not quite straightforward from the Linkedin Connections page
  • Export all/selected connections to CSV file

As always, all the synced data stay in your chrome's storage - we respect your data privacy

How to sync your connections for the first time

Here are the quick instructions:

  • Ensure you are being logged in to both & Linked Booster Dashboard
  • Go to Linked Booster Dashboard, access the Connections page from the sidebar on the left
  • Click Sync now button, and wait until all connections are being synced (it depends on the current amount of your Linkedin's 1st connection
  • Once the Synchronization is finished, you will see all your current 1st connections, along with written Tags & notes

What's next?

This is just the first version of Connections Synchronization. More features will come in incoming versions:

  • Received/Sent invitations synchronization & management: Allow you to accept/ignore received invitations or withdraw your sent ones at a large scale, to keep your connection list neat & healthy
  • Auto-tag synchronized connections: Adding your desired tags to make them distinguishable from other profiles on the Profiles page

So stay tuned with us!

Still got questions? Reach out to us via email, or talk with our chatbot.