Previously, Linked Booster focused on helping you to connect to as many people as possible:
- Auto collect & Tags & Notes help you build your lead lists without making any contact yet
- Auto-connect with a personalized message helps you to connect to a large number of targeted leads without thousand of clicks while maintaining a professional touch in your invitation message
Starting with this version, we shift our focus toward helping you to manage your connected people better, by releasing the 1st-Connection Synchronization & Management feature:
With this feature, you can:
- Sync all 1st connections to the Linked Booster dashboard
- Manage their attached Tags & Notes, same as in Profiles page
- Bulk visit multiple profiles at once (to maintain your relationship score with them)
- Filter your connections, which is not quite straightforward from the Linkedin Connections page
- Export all/selected connections to CSV file
As always, all the synced data stay in your chrome's storage - we respect your data privacy
How to sync your connections for the first time
Here are the quick instructions:
- Ensure you are being logged in to both & Linked Booster Dashboard
- Go to Linked Booster Dashboard, access the Connections page from the sidebar on the left
- Click Sync now button, and wait until all connections are being synced (it depends on the current amount of your Linkedin's 1st connection
- Once the Synchronization is finished, you will see all your current 1st connections, along with written Tags & notes
What's next?
This is just the first version of Connections Synchronization. More features will come in incoming versions:
- Received/Sent invitations synchronization & management: Allow you to accept/ignore received invitations or withdraw your sent ones at a large scale, to keep your connection list neat & healthy
- Auto-tag synchronized connections: Adding your desired tags to make them distinguishable from other profiles on the Profiles page
So stay tuned with us!